23 March 2011

Right Here, Right Now

"Our non-violence has to begin at home with our children, elders, neighbours, and friends." - Fragment of a Letter to Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Harijan, 18 Jan 1942 (from The Essential Writings of Mahatma Gandhi edited by Raghavan Iyer)

I dream, I pray, for non-violence in far away lands.  I practice non-violence in my front yard.

I live on a neighborhood street that is used to reach the local high school and other streets that lead out into the city.  I spend time in my front yard greeting strangers and neighbors who pass by and I plant shrubbery and trees along the edge of the street to narrow the lanes and slow the speeding traffic.

I compost. 

I recycle anything and everything that I can.

I live in a semi-arid land.  I dig up the plants that are water hogs, e.g. my lawn, and I plant native plants.

I ride my bicycle to the store.

I have two beautiful foster daughters.  Tomorrow, I will visit my locally elected representatives at the state capitol to lobby for continued support for abused and orphaned children as the legislators consider cuts to the budget.

I have an ever expanding garden to grow as much of my food as I can.

I buy local, organic fruits and vegetables whenever it is available.

It's a small start.  There is much more that I could do, but I am still at the beginning of this journey.

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