07 March 2011

Gratitude List

"It is our actions which count.  Thoughts, however good in themselves, are like false pearls unless they are translated into action."  A Letter (G.), Mahadevbhaini Diary, Vol. II, p. 15

I am basically a lazy person.  I love television and computer games.  As a writer, I can delude myself into thinking I am 'doing something' when actually all that I am accomplishing is wasting time.

I'm not even sure that little projects like this blog count as 'doing something,' even though I pat myself on the back every time I post and tick off as something accomplished on my to-do list.

When I am 'doing something,' I often feeling as though I am flailing about.  "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream, and shout."

But then I stop and count my blessing, make a gratitude list:

  1. My family and I are healthy.
  2. There is food in the refrigerator.
  3. There is a roof over our head.
  4. There is more than enough money.
  5. I have people who love me.
  6. I have friends who like me.
  7. I have more than enough work to keep me busy even if I don't always know exactly what my priorities are.
  8. I live in country where I am not persecuted for what I believe or what I say or how I dress or much of anything that isn't destructive or harmful.
  9. I have happy memories and little mementos that remind me of many of  those memories.
  10. I have leisure time to study or meditate or just relax.
And the list goes on and on and on.

And I am inspired to get back to work.

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