17 February 2011


"I think political life should be an echo of private life and that there cannot be any divorce between the two."  Speech at Government High School, Bangalore, 1915

A friend said I must have lots of things to say about what is happening today in Egypt and the Middle East and the non-violent uprisings going on.

I don't.

I don't know enough even though I have been to Egypt in the past five years and spoke to many citizens about many things.  Even though I have close friends who have live in Cairo for, at least, the last 10 years.

I don't know what the poor and the working class struggle with on a day to day basis.  I don't know how the police behave during a routine traffic stop.  I don't understand what role religion plays in people's lives.  I don't have to buy groceries or drive across town or pay taxes or serve in the military.

And I know very little about non-violence.

I know there is a difference between choosing non-violence and just not having the guns to demand what you want.

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